The perfume

Following in the traces of the book "The Perfume" by Patrick Süskind.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Chateauneuf sur Loire

As I arrived Mardié yesterday, a small town on the outskirts of Orléans, I decided to continue further. The Loire river was maybe just a kilometer away. It contains so much history, it has been put on the UNESCO's world heritage list. The river did not seem to notice my arrival. From the width of the river's path, it was clear that the level of water could vary quite a lot. Right now it was possible to walk down from the side of the river and down in the flat area where traces from water could clearly be seen. The water was so silent it could barely be heard, even though it went by quite fast. I sat down on a small area of gras and made a baguette from my newly refreshed food supplies.With the sun setting on my right side, I leaned back and enjoyed the fantastic scenery in what seemed like a magic moment. Further down the river a man kneeled down in what must have been the direction of Mecca. At least it was clear that he was not worshipping the sun.

I continued up the river, past St. Denis de l' Hôtel and further on to Châteauneuf sur Loire. No property went down to the river, so I could follow the river all the way. The politicians in Oslo might have something to learn from this area when it comes to protect the right of way to the shore line.

At ten o'clock in the evening, I arrived at the camp spot just next to Ch.neuf sur Loire. Feeling the nice hot water glide down my back in the complete new premisses, I felt like kneeling down worshipping the shower inventor. Afterwards, when putting up the tent in the dark, I was so exhausted I kept mixing up the poles that holds the tent! Tomorrow I will mark them...

I am sitting in a small restaurant in Ch.Neuf sur Loire now. The mousse au chocolat, fait a la maison, was just put on my table. Life has been worse.