The perfume

Following in the traces of the book "The Perfume" by Patrick Süskind.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Pithiviers and further

I am sitting in front of a brasserie, place la martroi, Pithiviers.The sun is shining from a clear, blue sky.The bells from the cathedral just rang three times, probably to tell me its three quarters past eight. It might also indicate that I just finished my pain au chocolat number three, although I hold that as more unlikely. The square is mainly used as a car park now, it looks like, probably to support the shops that surrounds it.

Today I will be walking towards the woods outside Orleans.In a couple of days the plan is to be in Chateauneuf sur loire and then to continue to Sully sur loire.The latter is where Grenouille (main figure in the perfume) crossed the loire.

When it comes to the further route, I didn't remember much from the first time I read the perfume, except that he (Grenouille) started in Paris and ended up in Grasse. I've read the book a second time now, and it turns out that I am going to Pierrefort, just south of Clermont Ferrand. From there he went by horse and carriage to Montpelier. I am unsure about the horse and carriage availability in Pierrefort nowadays, but I will worry about that when I get there. From Montpelier, Grenouille took a boat to Cannes, and walked the last bit from there. A small detail on the way, which I will modify, is that he spent 7 years in a cave at plomb cantal, the highest mountain in Auvergne. I've decided to spend approximately 7 minutes there, if I find a cave.

But first I have to get there. Sitting in the sun eating pain au chocolat is only a start.The church bells just rang once.It's a quarter past nine.Time to order a new coffee.