The perfume

Following in the traces of the book "The Perfume" by Patrick Süskind.

Friday, June 10, 2005


We did not have net yesterday evening. Here comes yesterdays blog.

This morning, we worked our way down to Condat, which lies in the bottom of a valley next to a river. We found a small restaurant were we ordered coffee, croissants, pain au chocolat and orange juice. On the walls, a lot of beautiful black and white photos caught our attention. It turned out, the world famous photographer, Albert Monier was from town.

There were also several pictures of Georges Pompidou. On one, he had written "You never forget the place where you have grown up." He might have added "even if it is in the forgotten France."

The town also had a cheese factory. It was called Wähsli. A swiss had come to town in 1928 and started producing the cheeses St. Nectaire and Cantal. We bought some of the first mentioned at the factory outlet, before we continued to the next town, Lugard.

When we arrived in Lugard, it was lunch time. We found the towns only bar, and installed ourselves there. The only guy in the bar turned out to work the morning shift in Condat. We prepared a baguette with St. Nectaire, and let everybody taste, all agreeing it was very good. It was so good, we had to replenish our cheese reservoir with some local fromage de chevre, which we've had for dinner now!

In Lugard, we had noticed on the map, there was a velo rail (see previous blogs). Unfortunately, it went through two different communities, and the people in the bar told us the politicians were not able to agree on who should pay for the maintenance after the major who had taken the initiative to build it had lost the election. So, even in the forgotten/deep France, life is not much different from that in Norway.

We've now put up the tent and savoured the fromage de chevre as mentioned above. Tomorrow, we're going to Puy Mary, a mountain 1783 meters high. On the top there is a gite where we're planning to stay.